Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018
Prayer has always been the backbone of Friend Missionary Prayer Band. If not for the prayer warriors who support this ministry, the movement would have been long gone. I find a strong reason to believe that prayer solely has carried this ministry for more than half a century. Today’s world is moving at a pace like never before. Though we possibly cut down the time we spend on our chores by leveraging technology to our advantage, we still fail to find as much time as those before us. Whatever it is, our prayer time is the first fatality of this rush. When
Jesus refers to the end times, he
stresses the importance of prayer. We must put a
conscious effort on spending time in prayer. Even as a king, David found time to pray thrice a day amidst his administerial duties (Psalm 55:17). Amidst his pressing advisory responsibilities, the bible affirms that Daniel never compromised his prayer time. Let us derive inspiration from these forerunners to instill a dedicated and disciplined prayer life. Jesus himself has taught us on how we are to pray. Even when a great crowd overwhelmed him during the day, he never missed his
quiet time with the father. If it was required for him, it is for sure indispensable to us. A man of God rightly said, ‘When you pray sin ceases; but when you sin prayer ceases’. Prayer is the only way out of this sinful world.
Martin Luther once said that the Evil one gains a foothold in our life if we fail to
strengthen our soul in prayer for at least two hours a day. Satan trembles at the sight of a prayerful
person. The Evil one is a prowling lion
looking for someone to devour. He strives to shatter our faith and flood us with filth through his crafty schemes. Prayer is the lone tool for deliverance. So, through this text we call you to realise the importance of prayer and intercede with God through prayer and supplication for our nation. We desire that this periodical may be channel that fuels your prayer life. Lets pray without ceasing until
victory is at hand!