Wednesday, Apr 01, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
This month is the month of conquering the victory since we are going to meditate on the topic of victory. The book of Joshua clearly explains How the Israelites reached their Promise land. This Stage is named after Joshua who succeeded Moses as the leader of Israelites that the lord is the one behind all the events given in this book(1:1-3)
It was he who went before the Israelites and fulfilled the covenant which he had made with their forefathers. This covenant was first given to Abraham ( Genesis 12:1 3, 15:13-21,17:18 ). Then God gave this promise to Moses as well( Exodus 3: 7,8:17) . At the same time, these passages emphasize the need to trust in God and obey his commands before going into the land and after conquering the land of Canaan (Jos 24:15).
The name Joshua means the Lord is the redeemer.This is the theme of the Book. The Lord helps those who believe in the Him. He uses individual people to accomplish his plan and demonstrates his power over the laws of nature like crossing the Jordan, fall of the Jericho walls, etc.
The history of the people of Israel who lived in the promise land called canaan can be traced from the book of Deuteronomy to the book of 2 king’s.The Book of Joshua is the best part of this history. It is emphasized that the land throughout the region was the Lord’s gift and that the land would be theirs only if they obeyed his commandments. This same point is mentioned even at the end of this book.
The book of Joshua contains two portions and in the early portion (1-2) the history of the conquest of the cities is told. And, the boundaries of the cities are listed in the latter portion (13-22). Joshua’s farewell speech and death are mentioned in the last chapters of this book
(Jos 23and 24).
Particularly, the book deals with the gathering of all the Israelites at Sikkim under the leadership of Joshua and the covenant made with the Lord to obey him. From the book of Joshua, we come to learn about many important things like how to overcome the world, flesh and satan one by one and how to Conqure the victory which God has already Promised in our lives.