Wednesday, Sep 01, 2021
Greetings to dear kerith readers, prayer group leaders in the loving name of our Lord Jesus Christ
who saved this whole world by giving His life. Let us thank God for guarding and guiding us
past eight months. Let us once again thank God for protecting us without this pandemic getting
near us during this perilous times. Even in this ninth month, let us pray more earnestly for God
to stop the third wave. Do not forget to pray for our nation daily. Let us be watchful like a
watchman and pray that there must not be any deaths in our friends circle, family circle and
especially in missionaries family. Friends Missionary Prayer Band Youth wing is conducting a
dawn prayer daily morning from 5 am to 6 am, so that prayer protects our nation continuously.
This prayer has been going on for more than 200 days, we kindly invite you also to be a part
of it. Connect through the following Zoom ID: 44265 70404 Password: 12345. We request you
to share this link with your friends and encourage them to join in this dawn prayer in order to
regain our nation.
Since this is the ninth month, we will be learning a lot of new things which directs to the number
nine, about where Christ is seen in the ‘Torah’ from bible. The number nine denotes ‘The end’.
In these end times, let us pray earnestly for missionaries who have gone to unknown places to
preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and let us work towards sharing the love of Christ to those
around us by asking God His plan by waiting upon Him and we call you to execute that plan.
While we are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ, Our nation India has many people
who have still not heard about his first coming, God searches us and he is still searching young
people who will commit themselves for this good work. In India, ministry is going on in 6000
pincode out of 19132 pincodes. Still 13132 pincodes have not heard about Jesus even once,
there are no people to speak about Jesus. If you have a calling for ministry, I kindly urge you
to join hands with us in this ministry that protects the nation. Until the last Indian who sees the
Calvary mountain, we kindly request you to pray and commit yourselves for this good work.
David finished God’s plan in his given time, likewise we shall also commit and work for God’s
kingdom to spread all across the nation.
Let us join the Gospel departing team. Our Nation must know God, so we have to stand at the
door in prayer, joining hands together with those who are doing the ministry. Let God alone
help us to do so.