Tuesday, Dec 01, 2020
Christmas & New year Greetings to you in the sweet name of Jesus who came from Heaven to
earth to save the world! Immanuel who kept us safe during the last 11 months especially in this
horrible pandemic situation while we went through many changes, protected us from sicknesses,
embraced us and was with us in every situation will be with us in the coming month of this year
and in the New Year too.
God help us to learn the bible by dividing into 11 parts in the past 11 months. This month
also we are meditating on the topic “Mission Stages”. We are going to learn on Acts 13th chapter
as well as on the Epistles of Paul. We meditate on the journeys of Paul to proclaim the Gospel of
the birth of Jesus as well as His sufferings and death. Though there was no favourable conditions
he played his part by going by foot, seas etc., with so many struggles and spread the Good News
What are we going to do? What is our role? On the day of Christmas we wear new dress
and enjoy the day with delicious food etc. Why Churches have been closed for the past 6 months?
We are called to search ourselves weather there are any mistakes in our lives who are supposed to
be the pillars of the Church and who are called to reflect Christ in our lives. Though the ministry
was not done in large measures, in each person’s heart and home ministry is being done wonderfully.
God is performing such ministry methods nowadays. In such a context like this where
there is social distancing God wants us to perform His ministry from our houses. He wants us to
sincerely proclaim to this world in this Christmas season not only the birth of Christ alone but His
death on the cross for us, resurrection and His everlasting presence with us.
Before the door for the Gospel is being closed, realising the need of the nation let us proclaim
the Gospel of Jesus till the last Indian will also come to the saving knowledge of Christ. Let
us take this Good News to the ends of the earth. We are called to realise the call of our dear Lord
who ask us to follow the footsteps of Paul and other disciples who followed him to take this Good
news in our generation.