
Magazine - English
Wednesday, Dec 01, 2021

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Beloved Kerith friends,
Wishing you all our loving Christmas & New Year 2002 Greetings.
When the cool breeze of December caresses our cheeks gently, we remember that Christmas is around the corner. We begin to plan meticulously foe celebrating the festival of Christmas. In the midst of all these have we ever wondered why this Christmas? The Bible opens with the history of the creation of this world. It depicts how the world and heavens were created. It very clearly describes even the minute details of how the first man and woman were created . Why? Just because Man is the crown of creation. David has written like this in Psalms 8:3-6 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers the moon and the stars, ,which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? [ You have made them [b] a little lower than the angels and crowned them ] with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet” But this season of this joy did not long last. Yet, God loves His crown of creation- created people. So he paved a special way to deliver them from hell. The very day Adam sinned, God promised and planned to send His Son to this world as a ransom to deliver mankind from sin, eternal destruction, by making Satan and his hosts loose their power (Genesis3:15) Next he also  promised in Isaiah, that the child will be born to bring peace between man and God reducing the wrath of God to its core. (Isaiah 9:6-7) This very promise made Jesus Christ, the second person in the trinity to deprive all His divine authority and to be born as a Child in the very world He had created. So on the very day of Christmas, Jesus  was born as a baby, through Mary,  he virgin. He lived sinless. At the end, He himself gave His life as a ransom for mankind.  (2corinthians 5:21) He showed himself as a righteous person. So now he is showing grace to all the people who is repenting of their sins and asking forgiveness of the same. We believe that this month’s magazine KERITH will help you to understand in detail and meditate  regarding the birth of Jesus Christ, from the books of the Bible, especially from the 12 tribes.  We request you to Please take note of the verses pertaining to the Christ Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament and meditate. During this Christmas we will see Him not only as a child born but also as a Messiah, king of Kings, too who will come again. As we will be celebrating this Christmas, let us get prepared and prepare others too meaningfully. We will present others not just the Christmas gifts under the Christmas tree but also present Jesus who has given us peace to rule our lives. 

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