Thursday, Feb 01, 2024
Look to the cross for Holiness
Greetings of love to my dear young hearts, in the name of Jesus.
As we step into the New Year, I am eager to connect with each of you. The Lord, in His boundless grace, has shielded and guided us as the apple of His eye throughout the past year. In Isaiah 6:3, we find a vision where the seraphim and cherubim gaze at each other and proclaim, "The Lord of Hosts is Holy! Holy! Holy!"
In Hebrew, the repetition of the word "Holy" three times signifies an unparalleled and supreme state. Indeed, His Holiness surpasses all attributes of the Lord. Our worship is directed towards a God great in holiness. Holiness is not merely a primary quality of God but also His foremost desire for His people. The Lord, who calls His people to holiness, declares, "Be holy, for I am Holy; I sanctify you."
Dear brothers and sisters, do you believe that holiness is unattainable in your life? Does living a holy life pose a daily challenge for you? Remember, challenges become surmountable as you fix your gaze on the cross each day.
Those who turned their eyes to the cross found victory in holy living. Learn to embrace a life of holiness, look to the cross, and live in holiness. The Lord will abundantly provide you with the necessary graces.
May the Lord bless you abundantly. Amen!
In God's work
J. Daniel Arulmani.
Tuesday, Nov 01, 2022
Greetings of love to the beloved of Christ!
The Bible begins with the glorious creation and ends with God creating a new heaven and a new earth. Isaiah the prophet says, “Behold I create new heavens and a new earth. The former are no longer thought of. It does not appear in the mind (Isaiah 65:17) John says ‘I see the vision that Isaiah saw’.
‘I saw new heavens and a new earth’. The truth conveyed is: all the evil activities in this world
will come to an end, we get a new hope that everything will be new, and we get the hope
that we will live with our Lord eternally. Andhra State site visit from 1st to 4th October
was a great blessing. The 4 young people who came to our mission centre for the first time had
a clear understanding of missionary work. This visit gave them a great learning experience and
paved the way to dedicate themselves. On October 8th and 9th, our Youth Leaders
were able to learn, know and understand how to implement new strategies at the Leaders
Training Conference held for Young Leaders. On October 16th (3rd Sunday) the young
people belonging to the Thiruvallur zone started the monthly prayer-gathering.
Young people participated enthusiastically in Karnataka State Camp held on October 22nd
and 23rd in Bengaluru. The meeting was useful to the young people who could learn how to
overcome the social challenges they face and to make a concrete decision to live a holy life
for God.
forget to pray, plan & participate along with your Youth Prayer Group members.
May God's hand be with you, protect you and guide you.
In the work of Christ,
J. Daniel Arulmani
Saturday, Oct 01, 2022
Dearly Beloved in Christ,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ who reigns over all!
William Booth (Salvation army founder) had seen a vision. The dark stormy clouds of the
sea were filled with countless people floating, drowning, screaming, and shouting. There I saw,in the midst of this dark raging sea, a strong and tall rock beneath which it had a wide platform and I also saw many people struggling to climb on that platform and escape. I was very much upset in seeing those who fled like that, who do not care at all or not feel responsible for those who were struggling to survive in that lost sea. But only a few sacrificed themselves to redeem those who were struggling to get out of the sea.
We cling to Christ to escape the punishment of hell. What are we going to do for the people
who are going towards hell without knowing Christ?Let us live according to the Bibleand proclaim the lifegiving Scriptures. Shall we do the noble ministry of reviving the souls of youths who are trapped in worldly illusions and losing their lives, so that many youths will be saved from the ocean of fire?
In the month of September,the Tiruvallur Region Youth Planning Meeting was conducted. I
praise God that they have decided to form 88 prayer groups in order to pray for the 88 districts, this Region is sponsoring in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. In the same manner, in order to pray for the districts that each Reign is sponsoring, let us start a prayer group for each district.
It has been 50 years since our Organization started the Youth Wing, we have planned to
celebrate this year as the Golden Jubilee year and organize a three days Youth Camp in 2023, during Pongal Holidays i.e, from January 14th to 16th. I invite the youths to rise up and join hands with us to go and spread the Gospel throughout our Nation. Let Christ be glorified, and let your life be blessed through Christ.
In the great work of Christ,
Rev. J. Daniel Arulmani
Monday, Aug 01, 2022
Dear Kerith Readers,
Gospelize is derived from the traditional English word Gospel. It means Good News or Happy News. Evangelion is a Greek word which also means Good News. The real Good News is the joy of experiencing the deliverance and the freedom from sins, for everyone who believe in Christ. How joyous it is indeed!!!
In 1732, Zinzendorf from Germany, went to the islands in Africa and saw the distressed life of the slaves. He gave an open invitation for missionaries to serve in these islands. Johann Leonhard Dober and David Nitschmann were the two young men who committed themselves to spread the Gospel in the West Indies Islands. When the ship started from the harbor, the two young chaps saw the faces of their loved ones for the last time and said, "Let the slayed goat get the reward for the sufferings". Gospel makes beautiful people. Our missionaries in our fields are spreading the Gospel, which turns lakhs of people to accept and worship Christ wholeheartedly. Yet, there are lakhs and lakshs of unreached villages in India. As we are celebrating our 76th Independence Day, we aren't an Army instead an Audience in preaching the Gospel to the people in bondage. "Will I get a breakthrough from this bondage?" is the desire of most of the people. Let us commit ourselves for their deliverance by preaching the Gospel to these people. God can bless this world only through the Good News of
Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 9:16 “For when I preach the Gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel! Read the Kerith prayerfully and remember to use in your prayer groups. Do share the Kerith book with your friends. If you are not a subscriber, we welcome you to get the copy with an annual fee of Rs. 250/-.
God's Servant,
J. Daniel Arulmani.
Sunday, May 01, 2022
Beloved friends of Kerith, brothers and sisters in Christ, Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet all of you in this new month. The reality around us is constantly changing. I'm sure many of us developed the habit of frequently washing our hands after the COVID-19 outbreak. These Corona times have taught us all that washing our hands frequently not only keeps our hands clean but also protects us from viruses to some extent. And it's worth noting that water is the most significant factor in sanitation. In our daily lives, water is very essential for our external sanitation, and likewise, in our spiritual life, living water is very essential for internal sanctification. We will only use a clean vessel on a regular basis. In the same way, even in our lives, the vessel that our Heavenly Father intends to use should always be kept clean. And baptism serves as a sure sign that one has been cleansed. The first Passover, which was observed during Israel's deliverance and salvation from slavery in Egypt and the hands of their enemy Pharaoh, foreshadowed 'Holy communion'. Similarly, crossing of the Red Sea symbolises 'Baptism', receiving the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai symbolises 'the Word of God', and the tabernacle symbolises 'the Church'. So, in this month's issue of kerith, under the light of the word of God, we'll be learning the truth about -, which are the other aspects of the fundamental teachings (basic biblical truth). Why do we need to be baptised? What does it truly mean? What are the responsibilities of the baptised people? May the Lord help each of us in discovering the answers to all of these vital questions this month. kindly share with your friends and encourage them to read as well. We warmly welcome those of you who have not yet subscribed to this magazine to become partners with an annual subscription price of Rs.250. Continue to read with prayer, may God reveal His will to you. Amen.